I get the sense that a lot of people wonder what there is to
do on the ship when we aren’t working so here is a small window into our free
time on the ship. There is a pool up on deck 8 so it’s wonderful to spend time
swimming and reading in the sun. There is a gym on deck 2, so we can work out.
There is an awesome midships/café area where we can gather and have coffee,
chat, play cards, do puzzles, watch TV together (among other things). There are
tables and chairs up on deck 7 where you can sit and read, pray, get some sunshine,
etc. You often see people sitting in the dining room talking (a lot of that
goes on here), or skyping home. There is a library where you can get some quiet
time, read and explore the books (this is one of my favourite places on the
ship). There are various conference rooms where we can have birthday parties or
watch movies together. There is a galley for all the crew that like to bake or
cook their own food. On top of all this, there are always lots of activities
planned, whether it be trivia night, laugh night, movie night, smoothie night,
dancing, Bible studies, workouts, etc. And this is just the stuff you can do ON
the ship. Realistically we try to spend a lot of time OFF the ship, but I'll talk about that at another time.

One thing I felt God
was telling me: There’s been one verse that’s been on my heart lately, and
I spent some time looking into it a bit further. Ephesians 2:10
For we are God’s
masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good
things He planned for us long ago. (NLT)
For we are God’s
handiwork created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in
advance for us to do. (NIV)
For we are His
workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared
beforehand, that we should walk in them. (ESV)
1) For we are God’s
work of outstanding artistry, skill or workmanship; an artist’s best piece of
degree of skill with which a product is made or a job done
one has made or done; making things by hand
We were actively made by God, by His hand and skill, made to
be his best piece of work.
2) Created
anew/created in Christ Jesus
a new or different, typically more positive, way
(something) into existence
We were remade in Christ Jesus. We were sinful so God sent
Jesus to break that mold and make us again in a more positive (better) way. A
new work of art.
3) To do good
works/for good works
works=charitable acts; that which is morally right; righteousness
This is the purpose, why God created us, specifically
for/to do good works. Created anew so that we have the ability to do good
things when before we were too sinful and selfish to do good. Only God is good,
therefore we need his spirit to do good things. Made anew for righteousness.
4) Which God prepared
beforehand/in advance/He planned for us long ago
something ready for use or consideration
an action or event
on and arrange in advance
God was ready, He did this ahead of time. He had already
decided on His course of action and arranged everything in advance.
5) For us to do/that
we should walk in them
He prepared the good works so that we could do
them. Not talk about good works, but DO them. Not plan good works, because He
has already done that. Just DO good works. We are to walk in them, as if they
are ‘good work footprints’ that we can simply follow along in, completing the
good works God prepared. Walking implies action, actively completing them, continuing
to move forward with a destination or goal in mind. Walking the path God set.
Being obedient.
Summary: Through
His son, Jesus Christ, God has actively brought us into existence with His
hands and skill, in a new, better way, so that we can walk in the path of
righteousness that He has set out before us; so that we are able to do
charitable acts that He has already decided on and arranged, giving us His
spirit so that we can do these things.
When we are cursed, we bless; when we are persecuted, we endure it; when we are slandered, we answer kindly. - 1 Corinthians 4:12b-13a
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