Our lovely Comms team :) |
The last two plus weeks have been a whirlwind, with an
unbelievable amount of things being accomplished. I started to write out all
the things that we’ve been doing but then realized it sounded a bit too
much like the press statements I have been writing lately! The media coverage
has been nonstop and we’ve done our best to try to sip from the fire hose. In
the last two weeks, we’ve hosted several local media at the Dental Clinic;
released 3 different press releases; hosted the national broadcaster onboard
for a filmed tour of the Ship and hospital; hosted three Ministers (and their entourage) onboard for
a quick tour of the Hospital and a meeting (with local media), followed by a
large press conference at the local hospital; had a cameraman onboard to film
the surgery of a patient that they had found in her village and followed to the
Ship; and attended a dinner at the Governor’s residence with 70 other crew members, that
was filmed by the media. The last one was quite an interesting experience as
the media filmed us arriving, shaking hands with the Governor, eating, dancing,
sitting, etc. The Governor was very welcoming and generous and arranged a lovely
evening for our crew members.
Being interviewed in the dining room... |
I’ve learned that the media say and do the funniest things.
At the dinner, their question was,
that you’ve eaten and drunk well, are you strengthened to continue your
mission? When Kate and I were answering questions for the team that came
onboard, they asked us (on the record),
Are you married? Why not? When will you be
married? I had to respond with a typical African response – when God wills
it! So now, all of Cameroon knows that we are single. I’ve emailed journalists
to point out errors in their stories and they have responded to apologize
profusely for any embarrassment they caused the crew, and then not adjusted the
story at all. I’ve had Journalism students who are doing reports on Mercy Ships
demand to come onboard. I’ve had multiple people from the same media outlet
asking for similar requests, each saying that they are different than their
counterparts because they use a different medium or have a different purpose
for their story. I’ve had a journalist message me the graphic details of his
hernia problem. We’ve had ‘fake news’ with what we thought was a completely fabricated
story out of left field, only to come face to face with the source the next day
and realize there was a huge communication gap happening.
Every day is a new challenge that we’ve never faced, or at
least not in these specific ways. I’m grateful for the way that we are able to
support the rest of the Ship in a variety of ways, from helping to raise
awareness of Dental & Eye screenings, to helping tell patient stories to encourage
those who are fearful to come to the Ship, to stepping into more of a
spokesperson role to let others focus on what they need to do. I’m also very
thankful for Kate, that God sent us someone who is bilingual, kind, competent,
driven and a quick learner. I wouldn’t have survived these last few months
without her! Outside of our extra duties with the local media, we’ve also been
doing our regular hosting – a lovely German lady who is including Mercy Ships
in a play she is writing about people who bring hope; a Christian Dutch radio
team who wants to bring more awareness about Mercy Ships (they want the Dutchies
to take over the Ship!); and this week, a lovely US Vision Trip with guests who have been an
encouragement to everyone.
Our orthopedic ward! |
The Ship as a whole has been incredibly busy (as always!). I
can’t believe how much 400 people are able to accomplish when they have a
common goal. The Dental Clinic has treated over 500 people; the OR has done
over 130 surgeries; the HOPE Center has welcomed hundreds of patients; the Eye
team started screening last week and saw 600 people in one day; an Essential
Pain Management course was held in Yaounde; a Biomed course for technicians is
on its second week; one on one surgeon and anesthetist mentoring is underway;
and so much more. I’ve witnessed people trying to manage the logistical struggle of
bringing over 100 patients to the dock every day for various appointments; keeping
the HOPE Center running without water, electricity and internet at various
times; management navigate the challenges that come from working hand in hand
with a government; screening trying to navigate what to do when not enough
patients show up, or the wrong patients; nurses try and navigate the sheer
number of languages spoken in Cameroon and the fact that we can’t possibly have
translators that speak all these languages; the whole Ship come together as it
tries to walk through a new way of doing things.
The beautiful ladies who shared their testimonies with us. |
I also got to witness our first Dress Ceremony of the year where five beautiful women shared their testimonies, about how their lives have been
transformed. The moment that really got me was when one woman said, even before she
got her surgery, that she had found healing just by being on the Ship. That is why we are here. For those moments when media interview the Day Crew and they say
that what they’ve learned the most is how to love people, all people, to care
for everyone with a high level of excellence. When the Comms translator comes
back from her visit to the dock and is in tears because she’s never seen people
with these kinds of ailments. Nothing makes me prouder than those moments where
the Day Crew share how changed they are by what they have seen. To hear guests
comment on how much everyone loves their job, how they have so much passion for
what they do. To hear the Governor say,
is the surgeons who provide surgery, but it is God who heals. That’s what
makes this place so special, every single day. God meets us where we are, in
our brokenness, and does amazing things.
Mount Cameroon peaking through the clouds. |
Outside of work, there has been lots of board/card game
playing (one game called Exploding Kittens, is particularly amusing) and late
night conversations. There’s been Frisbee and pool parties and babysitting the
kids. There’s been more off road adventures, which are always far more hilarious
when basically the whole Comms team comes along and the photographers want to
capture pictures of everything. There’s been spontaneous worship on Deck 8,
powerful Sunday night messages and fascinating Bible studies. I’m thankful for
friends who have been thoughtful in letting me know what’s happening [I’m not
so good with just hanging out and waiting to see what happens], for friends who
are passionate about God, for bosses who offer wisdom and insight, for mentors
who make me think about things in new ways and encourage me, for family who
loves me even though I’m across the ocean.
These days, I waver between thinking I could never leave
this place and feeling like I need to go home. Moments like when you’re at the
HOPE Center for a church service and this cute little boy comes up to you and
is laughing and playing with you, then suddenly falls fast asleep on you for
half an hour, those are staying moments. Those moments when media teams send
insensitive proposals that force you to get up and walk away from your
computer, those are home moments. Those moments of visiting a local orphanage
with Mercy Ministries and having several young girls play with your hair and
give you big hugs, those are staying moments. Those moments when get
overwhelmed and then feel like there’s no one you can go talk to in that
moment, those are home moments. I'm focusing on making the most of those staying
moments, praising God through every moment, thanking him for every thing. I
recently read a book that said,
what if
tomorrow you only had the things that you thanked God for today? What a
thought! And a challenge – to be thankful for every moment God provides, every
breath, every opportunity to love others.
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. ~ Colossians 3:17
One of the pictures from our off-roading adventure - this cracks me up every time I see it! |
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